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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our New President

Ok, let me be honest with you. I have been all caught up in the inauguration this week. I watched what I could of the ceremony at work and then I watched the balls and celebrations when I got home. I know that may sound strange for someone who did not vote for him (no Mr. Carr I did not vote for him). I am caught up in the romance of the moment, the history of the ceremony, the thought that this is something that has gone on since the beginning of our country, the dresses and the elegance, and the fact that Obama is our first African American President. It is all something that is so important to our nation and the foundation for freedom. It excites me to see a man that seems so in love with his family. It is like a trip back to Camelot. I pray without the tragic end.
Though all these things are fun to the think about it is not the most important thing. Even though I do not agree with his stand on many things, at the top of my list is abortion and gay rights, it is still my job as a citizen to support him in the decisions that I can, and still honor God. People making ugly comments and racist jokes, in my opinion, it is just that person showing their intelligence. No matter what may come it is God's Perfect Will that Obama is our President, and it is our job as Christians to pray for him, his family and his Presidency. Most importantly of all I feel like if Christians would stop criticizing and running rabbits and spend that time in prayer about the salvation on our new President and his family then we may see a change in our country that we did not expect. There are definitely things that need to be said, we should speak out against things that defy God, such as the murder of babies and same sex marriage, but things such as race and certain things that will not matter in eternity let it go and go to Him in Prayer about it all.
It breaks my heart to think that we still live in a country where the color of a man's skin matters. I thank my mom and daddy for teaching me to love everyone. Thank God for compassion and love.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (King James Version)
17Pray without ceasing.


chadandnikki said...

Those have been my thoughts exactly. I too, really enjoyed being able to watch everything take place. I love tradition, and ceremony.

Joan Carr said...

You go girl! I watched the whole thing almost on Tuesday and that was my plans for the day. It definitely was history in the making, and our country has come a long way. I agree totally we ought to see people as only saved or lost and then pray accordingly and not by the color or their skin. But it is obvious that there is still so much more that God can do in men's hearts.

Jamie Lynn said...

I agree with absolutely everything you wrote. If you don't mind I'm going to steal some of what you said and tell it to my brother. I'm going to point out to him how high his intelligence is..

ps: if it helps i think you and jesse are awesome too! and i love spending time with the crazy carrs!

Anonymous said...

This was a very good post Amy! I spent Tuesday watching it and Camdyn watched part of it with me as well. Josh and I thought it was very important as well as an honor to see such history taking place and for Camdyn to be able to witness it!

I'm glad to see that you have a blog and through yours and Tracy's I have been able to find Mrs. Joan's and Nikki's! How exciting! I feel that a little bit of Lenoir is right here for me! Anyway, I left you an award on my blog, so go check it out! Miss you girl!

Tracy said...

Thank You Amy! Sometimes I tend to dwell on the negative things instead of just knowing that nothing suprises God and that he is in control! Your post helped me to see that I just need to pray and not complain. I am looking forward to thursday!!!! love u!!!